Professional Photography Services Available


Photography is a persons closest and best opportunity to share how the world appears to them. What parts of a wide open scenery their eyes tend to focus on. Everybody is slightly different in this aspect and therefore everyone has their own photographic eye. The only difference between Professional Photographers and everyone else is how they have learned to use the tools (and there are literally thousands of tools out there) to best capture and share that vision.

With that said, each person is capable of grabbing a camera and learning the tools in becoming a Professional Photographer. There is no license to get going. No school education is required…….only an uncanny vision and a strong desire to share that vision with others. This means that with the tools improving, there are a lot more Professional Photographers around today than there were just a few short years ago. It’s a flooded and very competitive market.

This is one of the main reasons we debated NOT getting involved with providing regular Photography Services in addition to our event rentals such as Photo Booths, Flip Books, etc. It’s a different world although both should come from a clients Photography budget. Photo activities for the most part just require the understanding of software programs and setups. The equipment does all the work. Our creative edge goes into things like Scrapbooking, not Photography. but since we use higher end DSLR cameras to provide the services, its important knowing how these cameras work.


Over the past few years, we have been learning about them, and taking photos at events for promotional use. We have also become Photography enthusiasts learning all about lighting, lenses, macro, fish eye, shutter speeds, iso, and more. All skills that go into being a photographer but are not used as much in the Photo activities world. As time went on, these skilled have grown to the point that we are starting to get pulled into doing regular Photography in addition to the rentals.

So 2013 – 2014 will see Scott Roth Events providing more and more Photography services for Weddings, Sweet 16’s, Bar and Bat Mitvahs etc. In today’s society, selling yourself is important. In 2013 ….The individual IS the product and when there’s a demand for the product….there needs to be supply.

It’s exciting and a little bit nerve wracking but lets have some fun.


Scott Roth – Main Photographer / Owner



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